Mar 03

Sample 404 Error Image

If you attempt to access the URL of a non-existent image file on a website – say a jpg, png or gif file – you will usually be redirected to the 404 error page. If the image is embedded via an HTML img tag, this will normally result in your browser displaying a missing image icon.

Instead, we can handle this in a more elegant way by creating a special 404 Error image which will be returned when someone attempts to request a non-existent image file on your website.

All we have to do is:
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Mar 03

This snippet of PHP code takes any shortened URL, like those from Bitly, Google or Twitter, and expands it into the full and final destination URL.

function expandShortUrl($url)
	$headers = get_headers($url, 1);

	$loc = $headers['Location'];
		// get the highest numeric index
		$key = max(array_keys( $loc));
		return $loc[$key];
		return $loc;

Hat Tip: Deluxe Blog Tips and Karl Groves – Easily Expand Short URL Using PHP

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Mar 03

This piece of code will allow any user with the capability of ‘moderate_comments’, to include a shortcode within a post comment. If the user does not have this permission, any shortcodes will be displayed as normal text. The code should be placed inside your theme’s functions.php file.

This is useful when combined with affiliate marketing plugins that allow you to display a clickable ad using a shortcode. A visitor to your site might post a comment on an article, requesting a recommendation for a product. You can then reply to their comment, and include a affiliate link or banner ad that advertises the product in question.

For example, you may post an article about Tennis, and a user may request a recommendation for a suitable tennis racket. You can then reply with a recommendation for a racket, with an advertisement for that racket that any user who reads that ad may decide to click.

function filterComments($comments)
	$filtered_comments = array();
	foreach ($comments as $comment)
		// if not registered
		if ($comment->user_id == 0)
			$filtered_comments[] = $comment;
			$comment_author = new WP_User($comment->user_id);
			// if has capability 'moderate_comments'
			if ($comment_author->has_cap('moderate_comments'))
				$comment->comment_content = do_shortcode($comment->comment_content);
				$filtered_comments[] = $comment;
				$filtered_comments[] = $comment;
	return $filtered_comments;

add_filter( 'comments_array', 'filterComments' );
Mar 01
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