- The WP Get plugin conditionally displays shortcodes within WordPress posts based on custom GET parameters in the URL: http://t.co/RL3pMIt
- PlusOne is a WordPress theme that looks exactly like the Google+ interface: http://bit.ly/oJPJdA
- The Post UI Tabs plugin lets you create jQuery tabs inside WordPress posts and pages using simple shortcodes: http://bit.ly/oDzo1i
- The Simple Fields plugin enhances WordPress custom fields to support textareas, checkboxes, radio buttons and more: http://bit.ly/no1o8L
- 10 Completely Free Wireframing and Mockup Tools: http://bit.ly/o3S60G
- A PHP Library to help implement automatic updates for private & commercial WordPress plugins: http://bit.ly/ptNlow
- 25 CSS Snippets for Some of the Most Common and Frustrating Tasks: http://bit.ly/nkdOBH
- The KB Advanced RSS widget plugin lets you customise how RSS feeds are parsed for your sidebar in WordPress: http://bit.ly/lonuVa
- On Writing a WordPress plugin using Classes (Object Oriented PHP) – http://bit.ly/jMmslb
- PHP code to remove Javascript from HTML: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1886740/php-remove-javascript
- How to Centre a Table in CSS: http://bit.ly/kAjewE
- Veteran French WordPress Developer Ozh writes his list of Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins- http://bit.ly/ltcZhx
- Veteran WordPress plugin developer Joost de Valk writes about “Lessons Learned From Maintaining a WordPress Plug-In” – http://bit.ly/k1f99e
- 10 Useful RSS Hacks for WordPress (Smashing Magazine) – http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/12/02/10-useful-rss-hacks-for-wordpress/
- Alertra Spot Check – tool lets you test the speed of accessing your website from locations around the world: http://alertra.com/spotcheck
- How to make WordPress run faster under Microsoft IIS (Windows) with Wincache 1.1: http://bit.ly/9ZjOfA
- Google Page Speed browser extension lets Chrome and Firefox test the speed of web pages and suggest how to improve them: http://bit.ly/cXCuU
- WP Event Ticketing plugin implements an event/ticket sales system and integrates with Paypal: http://bit.ly/b0iiwv
- ScraperWiki – an online tool to assist in development of scrapers to extract content from websites: http://scraperwiki.com/
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