Sep 23

WordPress’s popularity has made it a prime target for hackers. Each day countless self-hosted WordPress sites are damaged or taken down, usually by automated attacks exploiting known vulnerabilities.

Many WordPress site administrators only learn way too late about the important of pre-emptive security hardening after they have become victims of an attack and have suffered the consequences – loss of visitors, search engine ranking and damage to data.

Our Lead Developer Vladimir Lasky will be presenting the talk “Tips for Fixing a Hacked WordPress Site” at WordCamp Sydney 2016, to be held on the weekend of September 24 & 25 at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) City Campus. Vlad’s talk will cover strategies and approaches to recovering compromised WordPress sites.

The presentation slides are available on SlideShare


Sep 26

Our Lead Developer Vladimir Lasky will be presenting the talk “Make WordPress Fly With Virtual Server Hosting” at WordCamp Sydney 2014, to be held on the weekend of September 27 & 28 at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) City Campus.

His talk advocates the benefits of moving a WordPress site from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting with information on:

  • How shared hosting environments limit the performance of a WordPress site
  • How VPS environments operate
  • Why pure SSD storage on a VPS is essential for good performance
  • The limitations and drawbacks of page caching, object caching and minifying plugins
  • Why all-in-one hosting control panels are evil
  • How PHP Opcode caching is the only true way to make WordPress run faster
  • How MySQL query caching dramatically speeds up communication between WordPress and MySQL
  • Tips on securing your VPS

Vlad presents an WordPress VPS-hosting approach designed to:

  • Not be radically different from a commonly-configured LAMP software environment
  • Avoid cache invalidation-related problems and minimise plugin incompatibilities
  • Ensure that everyone sees the most current state of your WordPress site
  • Ensure that logged in users and those working in the WordPress admin backend will also experience a speed increase

The presentation slides are available on SlideShare:

Mar 21

Our Lead Developer Vladimir Lasky will be presenting a talk on how to reduce spam on your WordPress site, at WordCamp Melbourne 2013, to be held at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology on the weekend of Saturday 27th April and Sunday 28th April.

Types of spam that WordPress site owners often encounter include:

  • WordPress Comment spam
  • Contact form spam
  • Trackback spam
  • Email spam

Vladimir’s talk will cover various strategies for reducing each of these using off-the-shelf plugins and practical website design tips, without impeding the ability of clients, customers and website visitors to communicate, comment and contribute to your site.

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Jul 20

Our Lead Developer Vladimir Lasky will be presenting a security talk at WordCamp Sydney 2012, to be held on the weekend of Sunday July 21st and July 22nd at the University of Sydney, NSW.

This talk is the sequel to his WordCamp Gold Coast 2011 presentation “Securing Your WordPress Website” and will cover:

  • Tackling the biggest Internet and WordPress security threats of 2012
  • Updated list of essential plugins to harden your WordPress site
  • New WordPress management services that make it easier to back up and update your sites
Oct 18

Our lead developer Vlad Lasky will be presenting a talk: “Securing Your WordPress Website” at the national WordPress conference “WordCamp 2011 – Gold Coast”, to be held on the 5th and 6th of November at Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland:

More details can be found here:
